​Objectives and Functions Objectives
To increase Government income collection from Income Tax and Stamp Duty;
To increase voluntary compliance and minimise the cost of compliance to taxpayers;
To promote an efficient, effective and modern tax system which is in line with international best practices;
To enhance tax administration's professionalism and efficiency through human resource development and info communication technologies;
To help create business and investment friendly environment through efficient and competitive tax environment;
To enhance treaty network on Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA), Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and Tax Information Exchange Agreement TIEA).
To administer the Income Tax Act (Chapter 35), the Income Tax (Petroleum) Act (Chapter 119) and the Stamp Act (Chapter 34)
To continuously review and strengthen the Income Tax legislations with a view to increase tax compliance and collection;
To process applications for Authorised Auditors' Licences in Brunei Darussalam;
To conduct and negotiate Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA), Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) and Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA).