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Monitoring and Delivery Unit (MDU), Ministry of Finance (MOF), was established on 1st September 2016 to monitor, facilitate and ensure that programs and initiatives specified under the MOF's Strategic Plan 2016-2020 are implemented efficiently and effectively. The establishment of MDU is part of MOF's Strategic Plan under Strategic Goals: Enhancing Service Delivery.

MDU is also responsible to ensure the programs, initiatives and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that have been set are aligned with the Wawasan Brunei 2035.

MDU also acts as the Secretariat, amongst others, to the Ease of Doing Business reform initiatives under several inidcators in which MOF is the Champion such as Trading Across Borders, Paying Taxes, and Starting a Business.

This Unit reports directly to the two (2) Permanent Secretaries of MOF.