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Pursuant to the establishment of the Competition Commission Brunei Darussalam (CCBD) on 1 August 2017, the Executive Secretariat of CCBD was also established to act as the administrative and investigative arms of the CCBD, in the implementation and enforcement of Competition Act, Chapter 253.

Previously, the Executive Secretariat of CCBD was under the Department of Competition and Consumer Affairs (now known as the Department of Consumer Affairs) under the Department of Economic Planning and Statistics within the Ministry of Finance and Economy.

Following the organizational restructuring in July 2022, the Executive Secretariat of CCBD has now been made into a Unit within the Ministry of Finance and Economy, under the Economy portfolio.


Competition Act, Chapter 253

​The objective of Competition Act is to enhance economic efficiency and consumer welfare through the prohibition of anti-competitive conducts that affect the well-functioning of the market. It reinforces Brunei Darussalam's efforts towards achieving a pro-business and pro-investment climate, in line with the Government's long-term economic goal; to achieve a dynamic and sustainable economy, as aspired in Wawasan Brunei 2035.