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Brunei Darussalam to Implement International Monetary Fund’s Enhanced General Data Dissemination System 26 August 2019

A mission of the International Monetary Fund's Statistics Department visited Brunei Darussalam during June 20-25, 2019, to support the Brunei Darussalam authorities' efforts to create a one-stop public portal for the country's key economic and financial data, also known as the Brunei Darussalam National Summary Data Page.

The launching of the data portal will be an important milestone in the country's move to continuously improve the publication of its statistics. It will also allow Brunei Darussalam to join other countries in the Asia and Pacific region which implemented the enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e‑GDDS), a key international standard for economic data transparency.[1]

The Brunei Darussalam Data Page is expected to provide easy public access to information identified as critical for monitoring economic conditions and policies. The Brunei Darussalam Data Page is being developed in coordination with the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam.


The Brunei Darussalam Data Page will be hosted on the Department of Economic Planning and Development's website and is expected to be launched by 26 August 2019.

[1] The e-GDDS was established by the IMF in May 2015 to support improved data transparency, encourage statistical development, and help create synergies between data dissemination and surveillance. It superseded the GDDS, which was established in 1997. A link to the country's National Summary Data Page will be available on the IMF's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) at:

