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Trade Balance in November 2023 Recorded at BND406.9 Million

International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) November 2023

30 January 2024 

Trade balance for November 2023 has recorded a surplus of BND406.9 million. Total trade in November 2023 recorded BND2,292.3 million compared to BND3,007.2 million in October 2023. This was contributed by exports valued at BND1,349.6 million and imports valued at BND942.7 million. 

Exports in November 2023 was valued at BND1,349.6 million, where Mineral Fuels represented the major contributor to Brunei Darussalam’s exports at 76.4 per cent followed by Chemicals (21.5 per cent), and Machinery and Transport Equipment (1.1 per cent). 

The main export markets in November 2023 were Australia (21.6 per cent), followed by Singapore (18.6 per cent), and People’s Republic of China (18.2 per cent). The largest export commodities to these countries were Mineral Fuels and Chemicals.

Meanwhile imports in November 2023 was valued at BND942.7 million. The five main imports by commodity were Mineral Fuels (68.6 per cent), followed by Machinery and Transport Equipment (13.5 per cent), Food (6.1 per cent), Manufactured Goods (4.6 per cent), and Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles (3.3 per cent).

The biggest import partners were Malaysia (22.3 per cent), followed by Kazakhstan (14.0 per cent) and Qatar (12.5 per cent), with Mineral Fuels as the largest import commodity. 

60.6 per cent of imports were used as Intermediate Goods for processing, followed by Capital Goods (36.4 per cent) for business operations and Consumption Goods (3.0 per cent) for household use. 

93.7 per cent of trade by value was delivered through sea transport. This was followed by air transport (5.0 per cent) and via land (1.3 per cent). 

During the period January to November 2023, total trade was BND23,018.6 million, comprising exports valued at BND13,573.9 million and imports amounting to BND9,444.7 million, resulting in trade balance of BND4,129.2 million.

The International Merchandise Trade Statistics report for November 2023 can be accessed through the DEPS’s website at

Full Report: Press Release 30.01.2024 [English] - International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) Full Reports Nov_2023.pdf 
