1. With the consent of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, the Prime Minister's Office, in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, the guidelines have been updated for business and transport companies using commercial vehicles registered in Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia or Transport Operators who intend to cross the borders through Land Control posts, this also includes introducing new guidelines for companies or individuals providing delivery or freight services, commonly referred to as runners during the COVID-19 for the purpose of picking up and delivering goods for personal or commercial use.
2. The updated guidelines are intended not to affect the movement of goods while ensuring economic activity and operation of the supply chain in Brunei Darussalam during the border crossing restrictions and it is a government initiative to reduce the negative impact on the source of revenue for business runners.
3. The preparation of these guidelines is also to ensure that the government's efforts to address COVID-19 are not compromised.
4. These guidelines will require Transport Operators and Runners to obtain travel authorization in advance from the Prime Minister's Office by completing the online application form which can be accessed through the Prime Minister's Office's website www.pmo.gov.bn. Transport Operators will only be required to complete the Job Order Sheet for each authorized trip.
5. Transport Operators companies must comply with the following;
5.1 Transport Operators companies are only allowed to transport goods on a point-to-point basis.
5.2 Travelling from the assigned destination to the delivery point must be made without any transits or stops, and they are required to return to the country of origin on the same day to reduce the risk of close contact, especially during travelling abroad.
5.3 iMSafe tracking bracelets will be provided to Transport Operators companies at the Land Control posts to monitor Transport Operators' movements and to ensure they comply with the point-to-point travel requirements; and for companies to travel point-to-point and return back to the country of origin on the same day;
5.4 For Transport Operators registered in Brunei Darussalam, the time limit between each journey travelling out of the country and the returning trip to Brunei Darussalam are as follows: -
5.4.1 Through the Sungai Tujoh Checkpoint – a time limit of 5 hours
5.4.2 Through the Labu Checkpoint – a time limit of 5 hours
5.4.3 Through the Ujung Jalan Checkpoint – a time limit of 3 hours
5.4.4 Through the Kuala Lurah Checkpoint – a time limit of 3 hours
5.5 For Transport Operators registered in Malaysia who have been authorized to enter Brunei Darussalam with the intention of bringing in perishable goods that require a permit from Brunei Darussalam's government agencies, will need to be accompanied by the relevant government agencies throughout the journey from the control post to the delivery point in Brunei Darussalam, as well as to be accompanied throughout the journey returning to the respective control post;
5.6 As for Transport Operators registered in Malaysia with commodities that do not require permits from government agencies or are non-perishable goods, will only be allowed to deliver or retrieve goods at approved loading areas at the Inland Container Depot premise near Sungai Tujoh Immigration Control Post in Kuala Belait and the Kuala Lurah Immigration Control Post.
6. To further facilitate the process of checkpoint clearance for Transport Operators companies, the Prime Minister's Office has provided;
6.1 Work flow document for cross-border Transport Operators companies as a guideline to the relevant procedures and conditions set during the border crossings.
6.2 Operating Protocol Document is also provided which is intended to give guidelines to Transport Operators companies on their operating protocols during the COVID-19 outbreak, and to provide guidance for those who have experienced COVID-19 symptoms or have been in contact with those infected with COVID-19 while, during or after carrying out their transportation and delivery duties.
7. For runners who normally do not have a registered commercial vehicle, the Prime Minister's Office permits runners who are registered as a company to pick up and deliver at a specific location at the border crossing which is for checkpoint exchange only, provided that they must return to Brunei Darussalam as soon as the retrieval or delivery of goods is completed. As this is a more practical option in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.
8. Transport Operators and Runners are required to update their health status using the self-assessment application at healthinfo.gov.bn for 14 days once they have travelled.
9. All goods brought in by Transport Operators and Runners must be stored or quarantined for 72 hours or 3 days at their respective companies' premises before the goods are delivered to their customers.
10. The Guidelines and conditions stated will come into effect on Wednesday, 12 Ramadan 1441 on 06 May 2020.
11. For further information, Transport Operators and Runners can visit the Prime Minister's Office website at www.pmo.gov.bn or contact Hotline 120 for further enquiries.