Deposit Protection Scheme
What is deposit protection scheme?
Deposit protection scheme is a system that protects depositors, whether individuals or businesses, against loss of their deposits in the unlikely event of a member institution fail. The deposit protection scheme in Brunei Darussalam is administered by BDPC.
How does it work?
In the event a member institution that is covered under the scheme fails, the AMBD will request BDPC to step in. The BDPC will put its crisis plan into action. Affected depositors will be notified and arrangements will be made for depositors to be paid.
Your eligible deposits are protected up to $50,000 per depositor per member institution. The $50,000 limit includes both the principal amount of a deposit and the interest/return.
Types of deposits covered
- Non-member institution Brunei dollar and foreign currency deposits;
- Separate coverage for individual and corporate accounts, joint and trust accounts, sole proprietorship and partnerships;
- Protected deposits: saving deposits, current deposits, fixed deposits, Islamic Investment deposits, banker’s cheques, bank drafts, other payment instructions, other instruments as may be approved.
Types of deposits not covered
- a deposit that is not payable in Brunei Darussalam;
- negotiable instruments of deposit and other bearer deposit;
- repurchase agreements; and
- any other liability or financial instrument as may be specified by the Corporation.